Handphone And Brain Cancer

Hari ni nak share sikitlah tentang tajuk di atas..
Handphone And Brain Cancer atau bahasa melayunya Telefon bimbit dan kanser otak.
Saya pasti mesti ramai yang pernah baca dan tahukan..tentangni..
Saya pun pernah dengar,tapi masih tak sure gitu,is this Fact or Fiction??huhu

Sebenarnya,macam mana handphone/cell phone boleh dikaitkan dengan barah otak?

Kena tahu basic sikit tentang sinar radiasi yang dikeluarkan oleh handphone..

Handphone emit signals using radiofrequency energy(radio waves),and this radio waves is a form of electromagnetic radiation(EMR).EMR can be divided into two,ionizing and non-ionizing radiation.Ionizing radiation are like X-rays,gamma rays,uv rays.And non-ionizing examples are radiowaves,extremely low frequency,or power frequency waves.Ionizing radiation is known to cause cancer,by causing DNA damage.

There are many studies associate the potential health effect with non-ionizing rays exposure.For example,microwaves is a form of radio-frequency energy,which works by heating,so it can heat food.Radiofrequency energy from the handphone also causes heating effect,but it is very low to cause increase in body temperature..or cell damage via burning effect..

Ok,kenapa isu ni bangkit
1-sebab pertama,cell phone keluarkan ionizing radiation and cell/tissue badan terdekat dengan phone boleh menyerap energy ni.Bahagian badan terdekat bla guna phone biasanya ialah kepala,otak..
2-Sekarang ni semakin ramai orang guna,dan masa penggunaan cell phone semakin bertambah,kekerapannya jugak..

Kenapa kanak-kanak lebih berisiko untuk mendapat kenser/barah otak dari orang dewasa
Sebab otak kanak2 sedang membesar,lebih fragile dan lebih senang/berpotensi,vulnerable to -->faktor2 yang menyebabkan kanser.Dan sebab saiz kepala kecil-->jadi more area to absorb the radiation energy.

Bahaya ke guna handphone macam ni?
Kalau addicted,bahayalah,bukan dari segi kanser otakje,ekonomi pn boleh gawat..hehe..
Bahaya tu ada di mana2kan.hu2..Tapi kena berjaga2lah.Company pengeluar handphone ni,sebelum keluarkan produk dia,mesti meet the criteria to produce a safe handphone.Ada limitation untuk radiowaves/energy yang handphone tu boleh emit.Barulah produk tu diluluskan untuk dipasarkan.
Nak tahu radiowaves tu within safety limit ke tak,kena cek nilai SAR sesebuah handphonetu.Bukan SARS ye..hu2 .
SAR-Spesific Absorption Rate,fungsinya menentukan jumlah tenaga yang boleh diserap ke dalam badan ketika menggunakan handphone.SAR level berbeza dengan setiap brand,setiap model.Tapi ada uniform safety limit.

Radiation daripada handphone ni pun macam secondhand smoking,or passive smoking.Orang lain pun boleh kena radiation tu tapi kurangla.Jadi,cuba bayangkan kalau tempat yang ramai,atau banyak orang ada handphone masatu,pada masa yang sama semua phone on.

Radiawaves yang dikeluarkan paling tinggi...
1-masa phone tengah ring
2-masa talking/bercakap
4-masa phone still on
5-off (no radiation)

Apa kesimpulannya?

Ada banyak debates tentang isuni.No good evidence or proof yet to associate the increased risk of brain cancer and cell phone.
Disebabkan banyak faktor.Salah satunye,takde long term studies yang support pernyataanni.Yelah,kan cell phone agak baru popularitinya,adalah dalam 10 tahun lebih.Jadi,study/research pon xde yang long term.
Selaintu,tempoh masa daripada risk exposure dan symptoms2 kanser tu muncul ambil masa,mungkin berpuluh,berbelas tahun..Bergantung kepada jenis kanser...etc..
Ada yang buat prediction the risk of brain cancer may be increased in the future,due to frequent and prologed exposure of radiation.

Kesimpulannya,untuk membuat pernyataan mesti kena ada very2 supportive,constant,strong evidence,so until recently WHO concludes that cell phone is not associated with an increased risk of brain cancer/tumour.However,it can be a potential risk factors,maybe a potential carcinogen,because of radiation.Further studies/research needed..

What Do Expert Says:

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), a component of the World Health Organization, has recently classified radiofrequency fields as “possibly carcinogenic to humans,” based on limited evidence from human studies, limited evidence from studies of radiofrequency energy and cancer in rodents, and weak mechanistic evidence (from studies of genotoxicity, effects on immune system function, gene and protein expression, cell signaling, oxidative stress, and apoptosis, along with studies of the possible effects of radiofrequency energy on the blood-brain barrier).

The American Cancer Society (ACS) states that the IARC classification means that there could be some risk associated with cancer, but the evidence is not strong enough to be considered causal and needs to be investigated further. Individuals who are concerned about radiofrequency exposure can limit their exposure, including using an ear piece and limiting cell phone use, particularly among child.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) concludes that there is no scientific evidence that wireless phone use can lead to cancer or to other health problems, including headaches, dizziness, or memory loss. 

Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which regulates the safety of radiation-emitting devices such as cell phones in the United States:
The majority of studies published have failed to show an association between exposure to radiofrequency from a cell phone and health problems.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):Although some studies have raised concerns, the scientific research, when taken together, does not indicate a significant association between cell phone use and health effects.

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), which is currently conducting studies of the possible health effects of cell phones:The weight of the current scientific evidence has not conclusively linked cell phones with any adverse health problems, but more research is needed.

National Cancer Institute (NCI):Although research has not consistently demonstrated a link between cellular telephone use and cancer, scientists still caution that further surveillance is needed before conclusions can be drawn.

So,apa kita boleh buat adalah dengan mengurangkan exposure to radiation..

~Kurangkan kekerapan dan masa penggunaan cell phone,
~Jangan bergayut lama2 guna cell phone..hu2
~Gunakan telefon landline kalau ada,sebab landline xemit radiation
~Gunakan speaker mode/headset/hands-free kit/bluetooth kit,supaya jauh daripada otak(better dari direct kat telinga)
Jangan guna phone masa memandu,immediate effect (accident) lagi berisiko untuk berlaku
-Jangan guna phone utuk buat call etc,masa line tak clear(signal strength low),sebab phone akan cube keluarkan more radiation
-Elak letak phone dekat dengan badan,letak kat beg ke..
-Bila tidur,letak jauh2..hehe

Oklah,terima kasih sudi membaca.Soriye bahasa campur2,tunggang terbalik..Harap faham..hu2.Thanku..-)

Ni source saya>>Natinal Cancer Institute
                       EM Watch
                       Daily it-Cell Phone
